Wellness Programs with Marian McNair
The use of crystal bowl sound therapy is a proven scientific method of vibrational sound healing that has been used by Tibetan monks, Egyptian priests, and Benedictine monks for centuries. Crystal bowls are used alongside traditional medicine as an integrative treatment for cancer patients and in other medical practices; it was listed in the Mayo Clinic Guide to Alternative Medicine 2011 as one of the top 10 integrative therapies and was recently featured on the Dr. Oz Show.
Marian McNair, MATC, MFA hasn't been around for THAT long, but she has been working with and perfecting her practice with crystal bowls for the past 20 years and has produced 3 CD’s, which are used in her practice. She has offered sound healing classes for cancer patients, children with special needs, and seniors with memory issues. Marian presents wellness programs that combine her teaching background with the fundamentals of this ancient healing art at yoga studios, health and wellness events and retreats across the country.
Invite Marian to speak at your event and witness an enlightening and healing experience as she teaches, educates and speaks about the science behind the art and demonstrates the art behind the science. Your attendees will leave with a greater appreciation and understanding of the measurable benefits of Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy.
Click here to send us an email to learn more about hosting an event

Signature Wellness Programs:
Sound Healing for Health & Harmony
Crystal bowl sounds are an ancient healing art and are a form of vibrational medicine. Everything around us vibrates and is organized by waveforms and frequencies. Every cell and molecule of our body takes part in the symphony of our health and well-being. When an organ or system becomes stressed, it loses its original harmony. With total relaxation and support, the correct frequency can remind our energy field of its original blueprint, bringing it back to harmony. While the tones create an atmosphere of calmness and serenity, Marian blends her voice with the crystal bowls. As we begin to resonate with the peaceful vibration, the body returns to a balanced state, helping the healing process.
Includes Powerpoint presentation, history of sound and how it works, pioneer Hans Jenny and Cymatics, sound for meditation with crystal bowl demonstration followed by group discussion. May be delivered as 90 minute keynote up to a 2 hour workshop. |

The Power of Your Dreams to Create a New You
Are you ready for the next step and don't know which road to take? Do you have ideas but haven't put them into action? Would you like to create but haven't found the time? Are you someone who feels that the creative process is not easy for you? Together we will brainstorm and challenge ourselves to discover what is waiting inside of us. Using art materials, we will make our personal dreams come alive by using collage, sound meditation and song. Experience the valuable process of creativity for higher brain function and greater health and life satisfaction as you rejuvenate your heart's desires. Feel your own creativity and joy! Radiate who you are!
Experiential workshop includes Powerpoint presentation, group sound healing with crystal bowls and voice followed by group discussion. 90-120 min.

Restorative Yoga with Sacred Sound
Would you like to have more time to relax? Is there too much stress in your life? Offer yourself the gift of restoration on the cellular level with the sacred sounds of the crystal bowls and voice with restorative yoga postures. Unwind accumulated tensions in the body and nervous system. Let go of unwanted stress with the support of yoga props as your body and spirit open to the sounds of the crystal bowls and voice and you experience measurable health benefits of lowered heart and pulse rates with deep relaxation finding Heaven on Earth! No yoga experience necessary. Good for all body types.
Restorative Yoga with Sacred Sound: 120 minute experiential workshop. Yoga mats, blankets, straps and bolsters needed for maximum benefit. |
Click here to send us an email to learn more about hosting an event.
Click here for more about Marian's singing.